BY ARAV DONDABoredom: Your Secret Weapon for Startup Success

Boredom: Your Secret Weapon for Startup Success

Life as an entrepreneur is like juggling a hundred things at once. You’ve got to handle team stuff, money matters, and keep an eye on what others in your field are up to. It’s a bit like a never-ending to-do list that can really mess with your head.

Now, why on earth would anyone say that getting bored is a superpower for entrepreneurs? Sounds crazy, right? Well, hear me out.

People often say you need to find your passion to be happy. But here’s the thing: Always chasing excitement might make you miss out on some really important, but kinda boring, stuff. I’m talking about those tasks that keep your business running smoothly – let’s call them hygiene tasks.

“Think of it like a cycle: Get bored, do what's needed. Repeat.”

Hygiene tasks are like the unsung heroes of entrepreneurship. They’re not thrilling, but they’re the backbone of a successful business. So, instead of avoiding boredom and always searching for the next big thing, I say, embrace boredom and tackle those necessary but not-so-exciting tasks.

Think of it like a cycle: Get bored, do what’s needed. Repeat.

From checking invoices to reading not-so-great reviews, these tasks might not be the most fun, but they’re essential for keeping things in order.


So, here’s the deal: Instead of seeing boredom as your enemy, consider it your sidekick. Use it to take care of the nitty-gritty stuff that keeps your business healthy.


Being an entrepreneur is more than just a job title – it’s a way of thinking. It takes a special kind of balance to make a startup successful, and even though it’s not always about big paychecks, the journey itself is a reward.

Here’s to the entrepreneurs who turn boredom into a superpower for their thriving startups! Cheers to keeping the entrepreneurial spirit alive!

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